Joomla Template

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

jReviews Null Nulled Free Null Script

Free Null Script, Modules included free: SectionNav: Lists sections and categories for the specified directory. Dashboard: latest items, latest reviews, top user rated, top editor rated, total items and reviews
Fields: creates a list of links using field options. Good to narrow results in list and/or for virtual categories
Field Range: creates a list of link for the specified numeric rages and returns items with values within that range.
Search: shows the search box with the advanced search link in a module so you can convieniently place it anywhere on your site. Search bot: replace the core bot in order to include results from reviews and custom fields
OpenSef sef_ext.php: creates friendly urls for jReviews links if using the OpenSef component.


