Joomla Template

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

FLEXIcontent won the Best Innovation Award.

FLEXIcontent Wins Best Innovation Award in the award Joomla! Open Source Creative and Artistic Recognition (JOSCAR) from JandBeyond held. Germany The seminar was attended by 27 countries.

FLEXIcontent the Content Construction Kit (CCK) Extension for Joomla! The joint development between France Mr.Emmanuel Dannan Vistamedia company and its Marvel acrylic engine from Thailand are also proud to award one team thai. Be involved in the development of the FLEXIcontent we have developed out free. By our own use of this Extension to Implement work with our customers as well, such as,, etc. We have designed this as a CCK Extension truly is. Content added to the original work of Joomla.
Can approximate it as

* Ability to add fields.
* Added type (Type) of data.
Category * can be unlimited.
WorkFlow * System and Content Versioning.
* Template system to format the display of Content (independent of the Template of the site.)

FLEXIContent CCK for Joomla.

Emmanuel Danan receiving the award for Innovation of the year.

Emmanuel Danan receiving the award for Innovation of the year.
The good news for Thai friends offline in early October, you Emmanuel Danan will work together to develop its Extension Marvel acrylic engines for 1 month during that time. We still have a good chance for the Community Activities Thai offline may well be a Joomla! User Group Meeting or training manual FLEXIcontent, to create a Template for FLEXIcontent it be.

JoomlaDay Bangkok 2010 for this year is the result of political gatherings. It affects the company Marvel acrylic. Lot may be unable to work alone. But I have been trying to find a way. For sponsors, including various That there will be companies which will help support the costs incurred can do. It is not a simple task at all, I looked to the case unless we can find sponsors to have it. Then charge the people working to cover expenses incurred. It is possible. As well as the people have to pay much. I originally set it may be held in late September. This will work for close to Joomla World Conference in Australia. This allows speakers from the European zone. Decided to come visit us before going to Australia.

If we are not organized. Would have to pay travel expenses and attendance at offline in Australia instead. The cost is more expensive to own, we held several times Neu.
Find what you need and change the personal Blog, I invite the offline.
