Joomla Template

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Joomla 1.5 template Clublife May 2010 JoomlaXTC Template

JoomlaXTC Clublife - The ultimate nightlife and club guide! Designed for fast loading and pure Content Management, Clublife is feature packed with some of the hottest advancements in CSS styling including CSS3 corner radius control (not available in IE currently, c'mon IE9! Hurry up!). The multiple styles create much more than a nightclub template - Clublife can be used as a Blog, Directory, Shop or almost anything your mind can dream up!

Packaged with the new ThemeMagic Framework and our custom TI template system delivering complete control over the template styles, from Width Adjustments, Corner Radias, Backgrounds, Font Colors / Sizes / Typeset, Module Layout, Preset Styles to your own custom styles, template control has never been easier. Choose from 12 pre designed styles or create your own custom style with the ThemeMagic style panel

Offering so much more than a basic template, Clublife comes complete with additional themes for some of the top Joomla extensions - K2, JComments, CCNewsletter, Kunena Forum, and Eventlist. Our Jumpstart Joomla 1.5.15 comes preloaded with most of these extensions (commercial license extensions such as Simple Image Gallery Pro must be purchased from the 3rd party developers) already installed and configured!

In Addition to custom component themes, Clublife come with 2 Club Banner PSDs and a Full Nightclub 1/4 Page Flyer layout with a coupon from Acid Flyers for 25% off all commercial Printing Orders!
template features:

* CSS3 Design
* themeMagic V1.1 Template Framework
* 12 Preset Styles
* 37 Module Positions
* 40+ Stock + 4 User Module Suffix Styles
* 3 JQuery based Menu Styles - Suckerfish - Dropline - DualFish
* Multi Column Design
* TI Template admin panel for more control over colors & styles
* Custom Joomla Content CSS Style YooTheme Overides
* Commented source files for user friendly customization
* Cross Browser Support for IE7+, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome.

bonus themes:

* Eventlist - Eventlist Clublife Theme
* Kunena Forum - Kunena Clublife Theme
* K2 - K2 Clublife Theme
* JComments - Clublife Theme

jxtc featured extensions:

K2 Content Wall

NewsPro Version 3.10.1

JComments Wall 1.3

Eventlist Wall
3rd party featured extensions:



Kunena Forum



MP3 Browser
package includes:

JoomlaXTC Clublife J1.5 TI Template

Eventlist Clublife Template

K2 Clublife Template

Kunena Clublife Template

JoomlaXTC Ethos J1.5 Jumpstart Install +

PSD Graphic Source Files + PSD Flyer Pack (48.91 MB)

