Joomla Template

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Joomla! Tools Suite: JTS-component & JTS-snapshot

A port of the StandAlone Joomla! Tools Suite to a Joomla! v1.0 and v1.5 (Legacy Mode) component, including an Administrator Control Panel Module for quick reference.

JTSc (Joomla! Tools Suite component) is a Post- Installation Health, Installation and Security Audit Tool for Joomla!. Designed to provide a wealth of information to assist with Post-Installation Health Checking and Trouble-Shooting. Currently English language(s) available.

JTSsnap (Joomla! Tools Suite SnapShot Admin Module) is designed to be a quick-reference of important configuration and security information when published to the cpanel position. If JTSc is installed, it will also display the last JTSc Assessment Rating.

**UPDATED ********************************************************
JTSc 1.0.0-RC2 Updated to support 1.5.0-RC3
and includes WebSmurfs Joomla! Diagnostics plus Mambot/Plugin Audit

Feedback, bugs or comments to the JoomlaCode Trackers please. Forum Discussion at,136328.0.html

JTS (StandAlone) can be reviewed at,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,
