Joomla Template

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Panacea - July 2010 Joomla Template

Panacea, the July 2010 Template Club release, encapsulates stylistic freedom with the inclusion of the Color Chooser, allowing for easy style customization with just a few clicks. Offering an unconventional approach to such designs, combining ease of alteration with a mainstream appearance.

The template also supports a Background Rotator for the sub-header area, as well as popular features such as Ajax Content Loading, an iPhone Specific Theme as well as Smart Loading for all content images.

NOTICE: Panacea is a Joomla 1.5 only template.

Features and Screenshots

* Gantry Framework
* Color Chooser with 12 Preset Styles
* RTL Support
* Native iPhone Versions
* Ajax Article Loading & Smart Loading
* Inbuilt Background Rotator
* 3rd Party Extensions / RT Extensions Styling
* Custom Typography & JS Form Styling
* Fusion Menu & Splitmenu
* 13 Module Variations & 68 Module Positions
* FF3.6, Opera, Safari 4, IE7,8 Compatible
* Limited IE6 Support
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS 3 Valid

NOTE: Gantry v3.0+ is required for Panacea to work correctly. For more details on the Gantry Framework, please visit its Feature Page on the Panacea Demo.

Color Chooser

Panacea is accompanied by a Gantry-Admin based Color Chooser. The entire template styling is controlled by the Color Chooser, utlizing very few images such as the Logo. Set the Color Chooser options from Admin → Template Manager → rt_panacea_j15 → Settings. The available controls are listed below:

* Main Background: Select the Background Color.
* Header, Body & Footer: Control the Background, Overlay, Text and Link Colors.
* Module Variations: Choose the Background, Border, Text and Colors.

Background Rotator

The Background Rotator is a Gantry Feature which offers basic background rotator functionality with content calling controls. Load articles from a set category/section and select images from the background manager to fully control the effect, it is very simple. Control the feature from Admin → Template Manager → rt_panacea_j15 → Settings.

* Rotator Controls: Set the Order, Delay(s), Category and/or Section, as well as if the controls are displayed and if rotation is automatic or manual.
* Background Manager: Control which images appear in the Rotator with the popup, drag and drop, javascript interface.

iPhone Specific Theme

The template supports an iPhone specific version for view in the mobile platform.

* Theme: iPhone specific theme, combining pre-existing template elements with mobile specific styling.
* Aliases: Assign current module positions to mobile equivalents such as mobile-header → header-a.
* Reszier: Avoid unnecessary scrolling by the automatic resizing of content images.

NOTICE: The latest version of RokNavMenu is required for the Panacea Menu to work.

Article Controls

The template extends the range of styling and abilities of default Joomla Content. On the first count, there are controls for 3 Article Details layouts as well as 8 Article Styles; and on the second count, Panacea also supports Ajax Loading for its articles, meaning page refreshes are unnecessary for reading More Articles.

* Article Details: Choose from 3 Layout modes, varying from a standard form, to an offset style and a tooltips based format.
* Article Styles: Select from 8 styles which echo the various module variations, Title1-5 and Box1-3.
* Ajax Loading: Set whether Ajax is used to load additional content in a category/section layout.

Third Party Extensions Support

Panacea has compatibility styling for 5 major third party extensions: JomSocial, Tienda, Virtuemart, K2 and JComments.

Panacea Full Package (17.01 MB)



PJ Velocity - July 2010

You want your website to leave an impression on your visitors?Make your mark with PJ Velocity.

FAST, MODERN, COOL, and VERSATILE - All valid descriptions of this beautiful template. We've been hoping to do a 'sports car' theme for some time, and the inclusion of our newly developed module, PJ NewsShow, makes this one a must-have.

Velocity comes in 8 slick variants, so it is essentially 8 brilliant templates in 1. Customizing Velocity is simple, and you can use the source graphic files to give it just the look you want.

It is packed with the powerful features you've come to expect from our brilliant themes...

* Completely Valid CSS & table-free layout!
* Highly Configurable via the Template Manager
* Fluid or Fixed Width ( pixels or % )
* PJ Menu System (module) Learn More
o Subtext and Image Support!
o Superfish Nav-Bar
o Animated Suckerfish
o Vertical Flyout
* PJ Newslist V2 (module) Learn More
* Slideshow Script (the fabulous "Anything Slider")
* Social Media Icon Toolbar

Velocity Full Package (21.02 MB)


Royal Plaza - July 2010 Joomla Template

Its July and YOOtheme delivers its brand new template "Royal Plaza". It comes with 3 main color variations to give your site a new and individual look. They differ completely in module styles, typography and the whole look of the site. Its like three different templates combined in one! We have a modern and neutral business look, a vintage style with some more retro elements and finally a shiny premium look. These different styles make the template really versatile to fit all kinds of websites. Additionally you can set your template to a plain style of each variation, to turn off the wrapper edges of the site.

We built in a second menu position "menuright". Now you are free to place the menu at the left side, the right side or even menus at both sides of the menubar. These positions give you the freedom to publish the logo anywhere in the header, even in the middle between both menus. Further we put a second row of bottom modules into the footer of the site.

Feature list

* A variety of template color variations
* Built with the Warp5 template framework
* Multi-column dropdown menu
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* 2-1-3 column ordering for search engine friendliness
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites
* Works with all YOOtools

Royal Plaza Full Package (9.48 MB)



JV Eoty - Impression Joomla Template

Welcome to fresh and youthful colors of JV Eoty - the fifth in-June released joomla template of JoomlaVision.Com. Taken eye-catching layout, modern style and integrated several modules of proven effectiveness such as JV Tabs, JV Content fusion, JV Latest News and especially newly-designed style of JV Headline –JV Eoty, JV Eoty is an ideal choice to not only corporate, portfolio and showcase websites but personal ones as well.

For thorough space exploitation, JV Content Fusion is applied to this brand-new theme. With this useful module, several pictures can be displayed at the same time, and introduction shall be supplied on only hovered one. Among modules available in the market, JV Tabs is regarded as the best solution to display content or module of your choice. And JV Latest News can show its convenience to your regular visitors when finding new information.

Besides, based on our good experience on JV Headline, we have developed JV Eoty as a special gift to webmasters who are interested in this module. It allows pictures and displayed information to be changed slowly and smoothly so that visitors can see clearly contents on beautiful and impressive slideshow.
Just one minute to create completely new style to your sites!

Can be used for blog, bussiness, corporate, portfolio.
* JV Headline: Slideshow your content with many pro options and effects setting in back-end.
* JV Tabs: The most professional tab module in the market to display content or module of your choice
* JV Latest News Showing your latest news with images and specific style.
* JV Content Fusion Brandnew way to present your content with ToolTips library embed.
* Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
* 100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
* Joomla 1.5.x native
* Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
* Tutorial + Detailed userguide
* Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
* Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
* 3 columns layout based template
* 18 module positions ready
* Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites

Eoty Full Package (16.12 MB)

JV Eoty Quickstart
JV Eoty source
JV Eoty
JV Headline
JV Tabs


PostNote - June 2010 Joomla Template

Let us see the world through your eyes and discover your unique identity which is not hidden in the crowd.

Postnote is a glossy and elegant template with irresistible lines of seduction, designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.

Arguably this is your home, where arts expression and communication engage in deeper environment of wonder and color. It all have to do with what you are ready, willing and able to accept within yourself and in accepting to be able to give others. It is your personal power to make the difference by being true to the best within you and letting truth shine through your words and actions.

Be yourself in front of eyes of the crowd.


* Tableless design and 100% css based.
* 2 Themes Style (Light - Dark).
* Template development based on T3 Framework.
* Supports multiple layout options, configured within seconds from backend
* Amazing Mega Menu system with multiple menu types support .
* Native Iphone & Handheld optimization and style support.
* Google Chrome Frame Meta Support.
* Improved style for Joomla! Core system pages.
* Page layouts overwrite option in template parameters.
* Modules suffix's built-in template for module styling.
* Option for Vertical modules headers.
* Build style support for Jcomments Component from JoomlaTune.
* Build style support for K2 Component from JoomlaWorks.
* Built support for the new News Show Pro GK4 module with exclusive built-in template design.
* Built support for Cufon fonts javascript rendering.
* Improved template parameters administration panel with friendly interface and automatic check-in available updates.
* Disable option for main body appearance on front page.
* Option for main body and component position display.
* Full block's size for user customization in template parameters.
* Option for family and size font in template parameters.
* Full control of Login, Register, Seach, Tools, Date and Style button display on frontpage.
* Option to enable/disable CSS3 styles
* Option to enable/disable Google Chrome Frame support .
* Easy footer content configuration in template parameters.
* Built support for WYSIWYG Friendly Template Typography editor with GK Typography plugin.
* Compressed engine option for each GavickPro modules.
* Support for language file translation.
* All 40 modules are fully collapsible and more than 20 module positions ready for tabs and 10 module positions ready for mega menu content display.
* Impressive built-in content style.
* Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design.
* Joomla 1.5 Native
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
* Fully compatible with: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
* Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files.
* Delivered with “QuickStart Package”.

PostNote Full Package (19.74 MB)



Joomla 1.5 template CreativeBiz Plazza - Boost out your Creative Business

Looking for a Joomla template to boost out your Creative Business? Look no further; here's one right here: the CreativeBiz Plazza!
This June 2010 release from will support your creative business gloriously! It was specially designed to profile your Creative Business, such as Creative Agency, Web Studio, etc.

If you are already familiar with the handiness of Joomla, add that with the versitality of templateplazza's releases. Then multiply that with your own creative and innovative business, and you'll end up in the top steps of the ladder, in the atmosphere of triumph; looking down at your competitors!
Join our membership programs! Use our creative products to your benefit and experience the magnificent world of templateplazza!

CreativeBiz Full Package (13.63 MB)

